Safer roads, stronger communities.
Created in August 2018, the K-254 Corridor Development Association is made up of members from local governments, schools, non-profits, and businesses with the common goal of encouraging safe and efficient community development.
K-254 Corridor Development Association’s focus is to assist and participate in activities related to:
- Promoting improved safety along the K-254 Corridor.
- Supporting and promoting orderly development within the corridor by establishing relationships with public and private sector entities along the corridor.
- Providing a marketing function, in coordination with existing development agencies, for the corridor.
- Acting as an advisory group to member communities and interests along the corridor regarding safety and development along the corridor.
- Collaborating and communicating with all stakeholders and partners to advocate for the best transportation in Kansas.

The Kansas Department of Transportation has published the completed K-254 Management Plan with recommendations for future improvements.

Strategic Priorities
In 2024, the K-254 Strategic Planning Committee developed a plan for the future of the Association. A Steering Committee was formed and more attention will be focused on the website and utilization of social media. In the future, the K-254 Corridor Development Association will focus on:



Because of the K-254 Corridor Development Association’s efforts, the Kansas Department of Transportation (KDOT) is leaning into safety improvements. These collaborative efforts are on track to significantly improve safety and increase development in the corridor
Why it matters:
The K-254 Corridor has become a key route connecting communities across South Central Kansas. Increased development of these communities has led to increased activity along the highway, highlighting its safety issues and resulting in increased accidents involving injuries and fatalities. Working toward safer travel is essential as economic development continues in the region.
Issues Causing Accidents
- Dangerous intersections
- Lack of uniform medians
- Low visibility of stop signs
- Difficulty crossing intersections
- Weight restrictions for busses and trucks on bridges
- Speeding and other risky driving behaviors
- Lack of signage
- School traffic mixed with industrial traffic
- Confusion regarding signage, medians, left turns, and pavement markings
- Inconsistent acceleration lanes
- Lane lines are not reflective and dangerous at night or during inclement weather
Opportunities for Improvement
- Electronic signs
- Camera system to detect accidents or traffic
- Parallel access roads in high volume areas
- Utility corridor for expanding water supply
- Rumble strips to alert for stop signs or intersections
- Improved access to Jabara Airport and development of surrounding land
- Flyovers for key roads to keep traffic flowing
- Clover leaf interchanges or roundabouts
- Additional turning lanes
- Add acceleration/deceleration ramps, frontage roads, and alternate connections
- Improved lighting